Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chupacabra main attractions

The Chupacabra’s bite marks are mainly located on the neck, chest, belly, and anal areas. Victims bite marks are small regular patterns about a quarter to half inch in diameter. Mostly reproductive organs, sexual organs, anus, eyes and other soft tissue have been removed. Those bite marks might be similar to a dog or baboon, but these wounds penetrate through the right jawbone, muscle and tissue, and straight into the brain, which punctures the animal and causing instant death. When the wounds were found on the sides and belly of the victim, the penetration usually cuts through the stomach, down to the liver, removing sections of the organ and absorbing liquid from it. In conclusion, dogs and baboons wouldn’t be able to do such things.

Evidences Chupacabra. 1998-2009. CyptoZoo. 29 Apr. 2009. http://cryptozoo.monstrous.com/evidences_chupacabra.htm

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