Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chupacabra Movies

There were two movies made about the Chupacabra, one in 2003, called ‘El Chupacabra’ and another one in 2005, called ‘Chupacabra Terror’. In first movie made ‘El Chupacabra’ the Chupacabra is set loose in LA, and money is rewarded to the person who get’s it Dead or Alive. In the second movie made ‘Chupacabra Terror’ the creator is smuggled onto a cruise boat which goes from the Caribbean to the United States. The Chupacabra get’s out of his cage and kills the passengers one after another.
In both movies, the Chupacabra does not kill and suck out animals, its main attraction are humans. It also does not look like a dog/coyote at all; it looks more like a human/alien/zombie/coyote that walks on two feet.

El Chupacabra. 2003. IMDb. 29 Apr. 2009.
El Chupacabra. 2005. IMDb. 29 Apr. 2009.

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